Lasting Impacts: The Economic Costs of Child Poverty in New South Wales
For the first time in Australia, research has quantified the economic costs of child poverty. This unprecedented report, commissioned by NCOSS, reveals that child poverty costs the NSW economy approximately $60 billion annually…
Call Unanswered: Unmet Demand for Specialist Homelessness Services
This report surveys the increasing strain on Specialist Homelessness Services during Australia’s worsening housing crisis. With more Australians at risk of losing their homes…
Funding Legal Aid Options Paper
Australia’s legal assistance sector is under severe pressure from greater demand for services and chronic underfunding. This report analyses the possible funding sources…
Press Club Address: Urgent need for action on poverty, housing and children
Ahead of the 2024-25 Budget our Lead Economist Dr Angela Jackson addressed the National Press Club as part of the Women in Economics annual pre-budget event. Dr Jackson discussed the importance of addressing economic inclusion to lift long term productivity and economic prosperity…
Beyond Roads and Bridges - Critical social infrastructure for South West Sydney
With the population of Sydney projected to grow by over 1.2 million by 2041, the NSW Government has recognised the implications for physical infrastructure such as roads, airports…
Supporting R&D in the Aged Care Sector
Care has always been at the centre of our society. The benefits of care are wider than what can be captured through market mechanisms, care benefits also include…
Somewhere To Go - Meeting the Housing Needs of Women and Children in Tasmania
Through applying a gender lens on the Tasmanian housing crisis for the first time this report provides recommendations for the Government to ensure its 20-year Tasmanian…
Return on Equity
The Return on Equity - Health and economic dividends from investing in Women's Health Services Report reveals the long-term economic benefits of investing in women's health…