Return on Equity
The Return on Equity - Health and economic dividends from investing in Women's Health Services Report reveals the long-term economic benefits of investing in women's health…
Justice on the Brink
Legal Aid is Australia’s way of bridging the gap between affordability of and access to legal assistance; it is social insurance for the justice system. But the system is broken. Completed with...
Charitable Superannuation Bequests
In this report commissioned by Philanthropy Australia, Impact Economics and Policy looked into a simple idea to make it easier for people to leave bequests directly from their…
Tasmanian Gender Budget Snapshot
Impact Economics and Policy were honoured to provide expert support to the Tasmanian Government developing its 2023 Gender Budget Snapshot, including gender impact...
Child Care Activity Test: Incentive or Barrier to Female Participation
Our report into the impacts of the Activity Test on female participation find that rather than acting as an incentive it is acting as a barrier to female participation, through…
Reform Critical - A Fragmented Health System at Breaking Point
Our report into the state of the NSW Health system found that it was breaking under the pressure of a post pandemic increase in demand for services, but many of the…
2023-24 Pre-Budget Submission - Women for Progress
Impact Economics and Policy worked with Women for Progress a group of leading women from business, philanthopy and the non-profit sector to develop their…
Aftershock - Children's Wellbeing and Development
The final report in our series of reports Aftershock: Addressing the Economic and Social Costs of the Pandemic and Natural Disasters focuses on Children’s Wellbeing and Development…