Rowena O’Neill
Rowena O’Neill
Rowena is a policy analyst and adviser, with a depth of experience in senior leadership roles in for-profit and for-purpose contexts. Rowena has worked on social impact, policy and evaluation projects with clients including governments, peak bodies and First Nations’ organisations.
She has held management roles at two social enterprises (Fitted for Work and The Front Project) with responsibilities across fundraising and leadership development within the Employment and Early Childhood Education and Care sectors.
Prior to social policy consulting, Rowena was a Senior Manager at Macquarie Asset Management, managing relationships with Australian superannuation funds and leading the strategy development for the global business. She brings deep analytical expertise having worked as a business analyst within corporate finance.
Rowena sits on the Board of the Melbourne Women’s Foundation (a business that annually evaluates for-purpose organisations across Melbourne for granting suitability). Rowena holds a Masters of Finance from INSEAD as well as a Bachelor of Commerce and Bachelor of Laws (First Class Honours) from the University of Sydney.